Thursday, June 21, 2012

too HOT in España!!

14 students, 5 adults, & me for 9 FULL days in Spain
Madrid, Salamanca, Ávila, Segovia, Toledo, Granada, Sevilla, Itálica, Córdoba
are the places we went...

the Texans are loose!

University of Salamanca
oldest in Spain, 3rd oldest in Europe, founded in 1134
Christopher Columbus spoke here

walking on the walls at Ávila
walls built from 11th-14th c.  

Plaza Mayor in Madrid
pictures of the Inquisition, 1480-1834

in Madrid

with Caesar our local guide (thank God for a break!)

generalife gardens at the Alhambra
built during the reign of Muhammad III (1302–1309)


street performers in Sevilla

Plaza de España (Sevilla), built in 1938 for the Ibero-American Exposition, also location shooting for "Star Wars Ep. II" & most recently "The Dictator"

tower of Giralda & the cathedral (I love Sevilla)

Lee, my saving grace!!

amphitheatre in Itálica, Roman ruins near Sevilla
founded in 206 BC

engraved feet from the survivors of the "games"

the end!


Linda Z said...

Ooo... these pics are really great, too! Are the "games" like the gladiator stuff in Rome? That makes me so sad.

Ryan and Camille said...

what adventures Julie! Im so glad you're home and know that I have you on my mind to call asap...