Friday, October 24, 2008

step 1: the search

September 24, 2008

ok, so my new friends are really great. it looks like i'm going to join the circus with them.
come on now! really... that first email was a joke.

I got picked up from the airport by 3 lovely ladies... after waiting an hour for my luggage which was misplaced between baggage carousels. So now I'm staying in a little town about an hour from the airport called Narre Warren, which is part of Melbourne. Then in a few days I might be leaving for the coast... to Newcastle, which is a little north of Sydney. The two women I am staying with help lead the children's ministry at the Calvary church and have all the ministry activities at their house. Last night they had a midweek Bible study and on Friday they are having junior high girls over for dinner and games. The pastor lives next door and I got the chance to sit down and chat with him for a while about Australia and ideas on what I'm doing over here.

Some cultural differences... they drive on the other side of the road, have 2 levers when flushing the toilet (a half flush and a full flush), trash is rubbish, breakfast is brekky, dinner is tea, cookies are biscuits. "Tim tams" are some really popular biscuits, similar to oreos. Footie and cricket are their two main sports...

We are 17 hours ahead, so the first day I was up for a long time and had many meals. I felt much better after a full nights sleep. On Tuesday, I saw a cool bird in the backyard called a Tawny Frogmouth Owl, even though it's not an owl or related to one. But it's good at disguising itself as a tree. It was pretty hilarious... Wednesday morning, I went for a run and halfway through it a mastiff started following me. I figured I would call the owner if it followed me all the way home and it did.

So yeah, I'm praying about my next move... plan to get over to the ocean and then check out a few places. I figure I should find a place I'd like to live and then start looking for work. So, we'll see. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. I enjoy hearing back from you guys. :)


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